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Creating a Resume That Will Get YOU Noticed!

ian • February 20, 2018

A well wrote and structured resume is an important key to launching your career. We want to make sure you have the structure in place to give you a head start over the other applicants.

When it comes to writing and structuring a resume there are key points that should be followed. What we will explain today is how to take your basic, over wrote resume and turn it into a stream lined outline of your abilities and work experience that will get you noticed by potential employers.

Before starting we should break through some of the noise and poor information that comes with writing a resume. Some of the old ideas about your resume may include; listing all of your work history, High School Sports accolades (depending on the situation), the longer the better and "fluff" aka lying. From our experience the list we will provide will be the fundamental building blocks of your new resume.

Keep it to ONLY one Page
- If you get finished with your resume and its 3 pages long, that's a sign your resume is 2 pages too long. Keeping your page at 1 page shows your employer you are clear and concise when it comes to information AND getting your information out quick and efficiently. Keeping your information to 1 page will force you to cut out all the fluff and the information you THINK the potential employer wants to see on your resume. Trust us, when it comes to a resume, less is more. ( Example; If in one of your past roles involved you making the coffee for the whole office in the morning.....keep that out. Write about the important tasks you where assigned too. )

Have a relevant "Purpose Statement" for Each Position You are Applying For.
-This is the statement that should be at the top of your resume sitting right next to your name. The reason you want this right next to your name is simple...people will read your name, then read your "Purpose Statement". There are keys to writing an effect statement however. It should be tailored to each position. No, you don't want to have a generic statement that can work across all avenues. Here's why, ask yourself which looks and sounds better for applying for a mechanic position at a landscape company.

"Hard worker searching for a full time position that I can work on engines"
"|FIRST NAME| is actively searching for a position in the small engine mechanic industry where he can utilize his 8 years of mechanic knowledge and become an asset to a company.

You will notice the second option is defining what role you are looking for and what you will become to the company. You need to think, everyone is looking for a full time position. The resume isn't about you....its about what you can offer a company. Your "purpose statement" should match what you can offer a company.

List Only Past 3 Work Experiences.
- Contrary to popular belief you don't need to list every position you've had since the 8th grade. Nothing will get your resume put to the bottom of a pile quicker than 15+ past roles. Unless the prospective employer is asking for a specific number of years work history, keep it to the last 3 positions. If for some reason you have had multiple roles in a short time period or have gone from company to company a lot, you can simply list the last 3 previous roles you held which relate the the position you are looking for. We know this may leave gaps in your employment that will raise some red flags which will more than likely come into question. This is fine, no need to panic about that "gap question" you can simply reply to this question with "I've been searching for a position that I can use my skills. In that search, I have had to work at multiple places during that time. I am hoping I can end my search with your company" All you need to do is explain honestly.

- You need to be able to explain everything on your resume and getting caught in a lie will guarantee you not getting a job. We can not stress enough about lying on a resume. Don't even fluff your experience or past accolades. Be straight forward and honest. Don't start your potential employment off by lying about your abilities or past.

Print on Resume Paper
- A resume is a show case for what you can offer a company. What does is show if you are printing your resume on printer paper? We will keep this section very short.....print your resume on Resume Paper only

One of the biggest road blocks a person runs into is the structure of a resume. There are thousands of templates for resumes. A few different places to look would be MS Word and to name a few.

We are always here to help. If you have a resume you are thinking about sending out to companies and would like someone to run over it with you we are more than happy to work with you to get your resume looking right and give you the greatest chance for landing that perfect career.

If you have found this article helpful or have someone in mind you think should read this, share it out! Thanks for reading!

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