It is very evident the gig economy has officially hit America. By now, everyone associates the gig economy with Uber Drivers and dog walkers, but the gig economy goes way past the common "work now" apps. Whether earning a supplemental income is a necessity or not job seekers want to be able to pick their schedules and work when they can.
According to a CNBC report an average "gig" employee earns anywhere from $100-$300 per month. This is a great way for an individual to earn extra income by using the flexible schedule across all industries that companies like Labor Masters provides.
Gig employees are also a huge benefit to employers as well. These employees are would be considered "on-Demand" so when an employers call and need help these employees are already armed with the skills necessary to complete a job at hand.
Workers who don’t want to learn a whole new skill set to secure employment are also able to use the gig economy to their advantage. With companies like Labor Masters we make it possible for individuals to earn their supplemental income without having to commit to a rigid schedule.
Technology Leads the Way
Why is there such a massive growth in recent days from the gig economy?
This type of economy works because it connects job opportunities and job seeks without the need to walk into a company and turn a resume in. It cuts down the job search time by a massive amount. An individual can sign up with a company like Labor Masters and instantly be connected with huge amounts of part time work by just one phone call.
At the same time job seekers are online searching for the next gig, companies will turn to Day Labor and Temporary agencies to ensure that no position goes unfilled. Matching qualified prospects to a company doesn't take massive amounts of time anymore. When working with a company such a Labor Masters, these businesses let us know what positions they need filled and we can search through our employee data base to see which are qualified to help our client.
Technology isn't only changing the way business is being done, but changing the way business is being completed.
The need to work 80 hours to increase our standard of living is no longer required. In a world of instant gratification and completion the gig economy is allowing job seekers and business to thrive in the world of on demand employment.
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