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Ensuring Temp-Employment Success in 2021

ian • February 23, 2018

Whether using a temp employee for 1 day or several days in a row, We developed a "Success Checklist" to ensure the success of your temporary employees.

Hiring temporary employees shouldn't be a headache for your company. We are here to alleviate the negative connotation that comes with working with either day labor or temporary employees.

All agencies work to do their best when it comes to getting the best possible people to your place of business. We want to be sure the employees who are temporarily working for you are an asset to your company during their time. We have found a having a company checklist/ procedure on how to work with temporary employees can and will create a great experience for both parties. We at Labor Masters want to share with you our 4 Item "Success Checklist"


  • Do You Have A Clear description of job duty and requirements.
    • Is there a clear description of the job(s)and what will be required for the position you are using a temp employee for? Being crystal clear about the jobs makes getting the correct employee a lot easier and increases our chances of getting you the perfect fit. But remember, these employees may or may not have been on your job site or at your office before, be sure to set them up for success and explain exactly what is required for the day or the specific job. we do give our employees an understanding of what they will be doing before sending them out but, things may change based on the day. Try and keep the surprises or frequent changes to a minimum if possible.

  • Do You Have Adequate supervision.
    • New employees aren't going to know the job site or how you want specific tasks completed unless they have been there. This is where having the adequate supervision is a key item on our list. If there is a job you want done a certain way, most of the time just giving instructions and leaving will not work and you'll find yourself frustrated or behind schedule. Your instructions may sound simple to your full-time employees because they understand exactly what you are looking for. If possible assign your temp employee to a job with another full time employee that is easy to work with and you will see your success rate of your temp-employee drastically increase. If for some reason, your temp employee(s) are going to be working alone, the next item down will help.

  • Do You Have a Time-line for jobs / day for Completion or Goals
    • Timelines and Goals are a great way to ensure everyone is staying on task. If your temporary employees are working on a project alone let them know how long the task should typically take your regular employees to accomplish. Setting the expected pace will ensure they know exactly at what pace they need to be working to keep the flow of the day going. Break the day down with when break times start and finish, when and how long is the lunch period and what you need accomplished by the end of the day. You know what goals you have for the day, make sure everyone is on the same page....Temp employees included.

  • Do You Have a Positive Work Environment.
    • No one likes working in an environment where they feel unwelcome. Being yelled at all day or ostracized based on being a temp employee creates a poor day for ever party involved. Treating everyone with respect is the easiest way to increase the success of the employee you hired for the day or project. This really breaks down to the "Golden Rule" we all learned as a child. Treat people the same as you would like to be treated.

Working with a temporary employee are essentially brand new employees to your company. Think back to a time you where a new employee, fresh on the job. How where you managed on your first day? Was it a great experience or a poor experience? If your first day was a poor, what changes would you have made to make you enjoy your day and feel welcomed?

Using the short checklist above will help with the success of working with temporary employees. The 4 items are what we believe to be foundational items that should be checked to create a great experience for you and your employees and most importantly, get the project you needed help with done on time and correct.

If you found this article helpful please feel free to spread the word. We love hearing feedback from our audience. "

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